When looking into the success and continuity of fashion businesses, they are linked to The Four Pillars, where ‘People’ explores the relevance of inclusivity as the fashion industry adapts to the moral and societal changes in the Modern world. Over the past Century there has been an immense surge in the importance of technology for societal functioning, of which has subsequently impacted each generation differently. Generation Z (Gen Z) consumers are “loosely, people born from 1995 to 2010” (Francis & Hoefel, 2018) and have grown up alongside the latest new technology meaning that when it comes to consumption, “Gen Z in particular differ to the generations of shoppers before them: they are the first to grow up as digital natives” (Drapers, 2022)

Naturally, due to the importance of staying consistent with the changing times, when wanting to attract Gen Z consumers, a brand should simply make their online marketing more effective and engaging, considering that 48.6% of Gen Z consumers shop for clothes, accessories and shoes online (Drapers, 2022). Other ways of attracting Gen Z consumers may be linked to perhaps altering the methods of production and manufacturing of a fashion businesses’ products to be less wasteful and more sustainable considering that Gen Z often view “consumption as a matter of ethical concern” (Francis & Hoefel, 2018).
As technology has developed vastly recently, society has also seen a large leap in representation and diversity within many fashion business’ branding messages and campaigns. Despite the often-justified questioning of whether this new emergence of inclusivity is simply a coherent shift in the business’ branding or whether it is diversity washing (which may sadly often be a trend), there have been some notable Business campaigns that have stood out. Rhianna’s lingerie brand Savage x Fenty is notable for its inclusivity throughout its sizing, ranging from XS to 3X and 32A to 46H. They have also shown diversity among their social media marketing strategies since the beginning of their brand in 2018 by using a variety of models varying in race, size and gender during campaigns

For a Fashion business to be successful, the Creative Director needs to have an adaptable concept which compliments the relevant societal issues that are affecting the world in that moment. For example, as diversity has become more of a relevant issue within the fashion industry, it is important for businesses to display that they are an inclusive brand to gain consumer support and, in turn generate sales.