People refers to one of the four pillars among the fashion business school strategies to achieve long term advantages in the changing environment. This pillar focuses on culture differences, collaboration between brands, community relations and human diversity. People is an essential element in the fashion industry as it involves the participation of not only customers but also designers and brands.
The generation Z, so called Gen Z refers to the young group of people born between 1995 to 2010 accounting for approximately 25% of the world population. Gen Z contributes with a purchasing power of about $360 billion in the US which hugely moves the economy. (Schneider & Lee,2022) The fact that makes Gen Z so unique is that they are born as the first digital natives growing up under the lens of technology. According to Bird (TEDx Talks,2019) Gen Z-ers are not required to set up full strategies to influence others, instead, just creating a tweet—voicing their opinions on social media platforms.
Drapers reported that “Gen Z are far bigger users of video app TikTok, for example: 50.3% use it versus 25.7% of millennials.” (Moran,2022) When it comes to fashion shopping, 48.6% of Gen Z are more intense on the digital channel compared with millennials. (Fig 1.) Analyzing date from this exclusive survey of 2000 customers, Gen Z are more likely to access information through surfing websites and mobile APPs such as TikTok and Instagram, to interact with the change in shopping preferences, a company should set up relevant marketing strategies to attract Gen Zs through providing online shopping experiences and advertising their products through social media.

Apart from bringing conveniences for the Gen Z customers through digitalization, it is essential to take diversity into consideration as Gen Z are seeking for strong uniqueness and representation. An example of a brand that considers diversity and inclusivity in the approach to marketing is SAVAGE x FENTY by Rihanna with the slogan: Made to celebrate you being you. It has been revolutionary in the lingerie industry ranging clothes from the size XS to 3Xs or bras from 32A to a 46H. (Jayanthi, 2018) Diverse body sized models with different ethnicity wearing various sized bras are shown on Instagram advertisements of SAVAGE x FENTY. (Fig 2.)

To establish a sincere relationship between fashion brands and customers, strong people skills are necessary for a brand to succeed. Understanding and respecting the diversity of the customers is a key element, especially for the Gen Z with strong representation and seeking for unique shopping experiences. The way that brands communicate are also important, recognizing the needs and wants of the customers to adjust the marketing strategies to create cohesion with them.
Beard.H (2019)TEDx Talks: What Makes “Generation Z” So Different? | TEDxAstonUniversty. Available at: (Accessed 15October 2022)
Jayanthi.R (2018) Clothes & Water: Five Trendy and Inclusive Fashion Brands to Support in 2021. Available at: (Accessed 15 October 2022)
Moran.G (2022) Drapers: Gen Z and Millennials 2022. Available at: (Accessed 15 October 2022)
Schneider.B & Lee. D (2022) BOF: BoF Insights | Gen-Z and fashion in the age of realism. Available at: (Accessed 15 October 2022).
Figure 1.
Moran, G (2022) How do you prefer to shop for clothes, accessories or shoes? Available at: (Accessed 15 October 2022)
Figure 2.
Savagexfenty (2022) ‘LISTEN UP’ [Instagram]. 11 October. Available at: (Accessed 15 October 2022)