
By Sophia Pandeli

Planet is one of the 4 pillars of fashion business school. The fashion industry has a massive impact on our planet, but this is not always beneficial to our environment. Over time fashion brands have started to find ways and look into being more sustainable to save our planet but there is still a lot more the fashion industry needs to do to protect and help the planet and our environment. In the fashion industry, we have a circular economy which is extremely important as it captures the value of clothing before, during and after use. (MacArthur, 2022) This means that once clothes have been used and the owner is wanting to dispose of that item of clothing, recycling them into new clothes helps our planet and allows the value of the materials that have been used to be captured at different levels. Another thing is to ensure clothing is durable and not so disposable so that people won’t be comfortable just getting rid of and wasting perfectly good items of clothing. To be sustainable in fashion these things matter as sustainability is an approach that sources, manufactures and designs clothes ethically to decrease the harmful impacts it may have on our planet. In 2022 fashion brands and we as consumers are certainly trying to become more sustainable when purchasing clothes for example selling old clothes on websites and apps such as Depop and Vinted or purchasing from these apps. Also, there has been a huge rise over the last couple of years in people purchasing from charity shops. The small acts we do as consumers do build up and help the environment and the planet. Fashion brands have also started to consider these things and become more sustainable by using recycled and upcycled materials, starting to go vintage, cutting carbon emissions and using more high-quality and long-lasting materials. (What Is Sustainable And Ethical Fashion?, 2022) A huge SDG is to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, this has a massive impact on the fashion industry due to how clothes are made in countries across the world and the high rates of child labour that this includes. The fashion industry has started to get called out for their terrible pay, the awful way these workers get treated and their young age. The United Nation’s goal is to end child labour by 2025 in all its form. This will change the way the fashion industry produces its clothing for the better and start to turn the fashion industry into more of a more sustainable one. (united nations)



Fashion and the circular economy

MacArthur, E., 2022. Fashion and the circular economy. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 7 October 2022].‌


(What Is Sustainable And Ethical Fashion?, 2022)

Sustainable Jungle. 2022. What Is Sustainable And Ethical Fashion?. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 7 October 2022].

THE 17 GOALS | SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                          THE 17 GOALS  United Nations | Sustainable Development, 2022) 2022. THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 7 October 2022].

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