My favourite fashion brand – CHANEL

2.55 classic Chanel flap bag

Chanel a classic fashion brand that has been around for many years. The reason why Chanel is undoubtedly one of my favourite fashion brands is due to the timeless classic pieces they design and create. Chanel began in the capital of France – Paris, the founder ( Gabrielle Chanel) started off by owning her own hat boutique under the name ‘Chanel Modes’ these hats were worn by huge French actresses of her time. This gave Chanel a huge stepping stone at the young age of 21 which then gave her the resources to open up the very first Chanel store in Deauville. Gabrielle Chanel had a huge influence on revolutionising the fashion industry by using materials specifically used for men’s clothing with her very own sports line which hugely impacted how women’s clothing was made. One of the main reasons why Chanel is my favourite fashion brand is due to the history it holds. Chanel is a timeless brand and one of the most classic brands of all time. For as long as I can remember I have always dreamt of owning a classic flap 2.55 Chanel handbag as I believe it is such an iconic item of the fashion world and even an investment, this bag was created in 1955 the reasoning for the bag being named 2.55 is due to the date of the creation of the bag. Furthermore, Chanel has an incredible variety of iconic and significant items that they have designed and created for example their Chanel NO.5 perfume launched in 1921 and still till this day is a well-known and highly purchased perfume. Also soon after Chanel launched their makeup collection in 1924, I love the fact that Chanel not only designed beautiful high-quality pieces of clothing and accessories but also created spectacular fragrances and a stunning makeup collection. Chanel is also adored by incredible icons such as Marilyn Monroe who loved the Chanel NO.5 perfume and was quoted in Life magazine, this in itself shows how loved and known Chanel as a brand was by the world including huge Hollywood stars and celebrities of the world. I will always believe that Chanel will be one of the biggest most classic brands of all time and for this reason, it will always be a favourite brand of mine.

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