
Whenever people talk about sustainability in the fashion industry we think of four pillars – economic, social, environmental and cultural. And people play a very important role in this. The fact that people are the main drivers of sustainable development is fundamental to this issue.
Those born between the late 1990’s and early 2010’s .(Meola,2022)They were influenced by the internet, instant messaging, newsletters, MP3 players, mobile phones, smartphones, tablets and other technology and are more receptive to new things. As consumers, they are more receptive to a wide range of products and are happy to try new ways of shopping other than the traditional ones, such as online shopping and live streaming. They are also willing to pay for more personalised products.Not surprisingly, Generation Z consumers are significantly less likely than the general population to primarily use bricks and mortar retailers in 2019. Of those surveyed, only 15% of Generation Z are likely to use only high street retailers, compared to a third of the rest of the population. They are also more likely to use only online retailers, with a third (33%) saying this is their preferred method of shopping.(Redfern,2019)

As a brand, if it wants to attract Gen Z, it needs to keep up with social media trends and be bold and innovative in order to catch the eye of Gen Z. Attention to communication is an important factor in maintaining Gen Z’s continued consumption of the brand.There are 6 ways brand can engage Gen Z audiences:1. Know brand channels2. Stand for something3. Present seamless experiences4. User-generated content5. Influencer marketing6. Referral marketing(Courtney Wylie,2019)

GAP is a very successful brand in terms of diversity. It has a long history of fighting for equality. It expects to double its black and Latino workforce and increase the number of black leaders to 50% by 2025. And it has a product inclusion strategy that focuses on black consumers. There is also care for LGBTQ people. GAP employees will also be cared for and nurtured to drive the vision and commitment to engage in diversity.(Gap Inc,no date)

The key interpersonal skill for a fashion brand to be successful is inclusivity. The trend in the world today is towards racial equality, equality between men and women, equality in the development of different personalities, so inclusivity is crucial for a brand and can even be said to be the lifeblood of a brand’s longevity.

According to the report survey, almost 90% said that the image of the fashion industry does not represent a different body or identity, while 87.5% said that they do not feel like themselves in advertising campaigns, fashion shoots and on the catwalk.

The survey also found that 68% of people in the fashion industry have experienced or witnessed discrimination based on appearance or belief, with the largest group stating it was based on body image at 73.4%, followed by race, age, disability, gender and religious expression.(walker G,2021)


Meola,A(2022).Generation Z News: Latest characteristics, research, and facts.Available at: in 16th Oct 2022)

Courtney Wylie,(2019)6 ways your business can reach Gen Z.Available at: in 16th Oct 2022)

Redfern G,(2019)Gen Z are a driving force in the current retail evolution climate.Available at: in 16th Oct 2022)

Gap Inc,(no date)We Are Inclusive, By Design.Available at: in 16th Oct 2022)

walker G,(2021)Fashion industry discrimination and lack of diversity exposed in new report.Available at: in 16th Oct 2022)

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