There are four pillars of sustainability, Planet, People, Profit and Purpose. People are defined as a diverse group of consumers with, different ages, race, gender, religion etc, who have a direct relationship with brands. Different brands aim to market their product to these consumers. The current and the most known consumers of the fashion industry are “gen z”.

Gen z includes those born between the mid-1990s to the early 2010s. they are described as unique but realistic and well educated in terms of self, social, economic and political awareness. Generation Z has been called the most critical consumer group until now and has a different view of consuming than previous generations. They are the latest to enter the workforce and have a strong purchasing power. With a bigger demand for higher-quality items, brands must earn their place in Generation Z’s wallets. Gen Z consumers are more likely to buy sustainable, high-quality, products. 73% of Generation Z consumers are willing to pay 10% more for sustainable products, according to a report from first insight. 

Gen z isn’t the easiest to please in terms of purchasing products. To influence them, brands need to be unique and go out of the box. 45% of gen zers say that a brand “appearing trustworthy and transparent” is a big motivating factor for engagement. By making social media accounts of brands not only about selling but also create content that’s explicit about what your values are and share as much of your brand’s story as you can. Collaborating with influencers is a very effective way to market to Gen Z. It’s all part of that brand authenticity: Gen Z wants to buy from brands they trust, and they hear about brands they trust from people they trust.

One of the major examples of diversity is shown by Nike the sportswear brand: Someday We Won’t Need This Day” It has long excelled in diverse advertising, showcased by the Nike Pro Hijab for Muslim female athletes, adaptive activewear for people with disabilities, and plus-size athletic wear. It supports International Women’s Day and envisions a future where the day is unnecessary due to full acceptance and equality.

There are people skill needed for a fashion brand to be successful. Communication skills are needed internally between team members to operate efficiently. If there isn’t good communication between the team, there cannot be a good working flow. At the same time, communication skills are also essential externally to speak to the right audience. And build relationships with press, editors, or other fashion professionals outside the company. These are critical skills, especially for those who want to work in PR, marketing and social media, where the main job is to communicate and convey the brand’s message through a social post or marketing campaign.

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