
People, the noun is defined as ‘human beings in general or considered collectively’ (Cambridge dictionary 2022). At the University Of The Arts London, People is the second pillar of sustainability. People are the producers of sustainability, the output of sustainability depends on the input and if we choose to behave sustainably, this will affect the world of future generations positively.

Gen Z, the digital natives refer to the generation that was born between 1995-2010. (McKinsey & Company, 2022). Taking into consideration the psychological factors of this young audience, Gen Z wants to be able to shop quickly and cheaply, therefore fast fashion is most appreciated by Gen Z, they can look good for less and stay up to date with the latest trends.

To attract Gen Z customers, brands should have a heavy social media presence on apps such as Instagram and TikTok. Both these apps have introduced shopping which is a key element to intriguing Gen Z purchases from brands. The percentage of consumers who purchase fashion via social media is increasing with 60% being Gen Z (Graeme Morgan, 2022). Both these social media platforms allow brands to ensure that their content and promotions are being viewed by their targeted audience. Instagram allows brands to specifically choose what audience brands want their promotions to reach which is very beneficial because this ensures advertisements are specifically seen by their targeted audience (Instagram, 2022).

Good American has championed inclusivity and makes it a mission to ensure every woman is seen and heard. This is done by the brand having a nationwide casting call for diverse women to model in its seasonal campaigns, that are of different sizes and ethnicities. (Forbes, 2022) Good American is a prime example of brands responding to diversity, they are understanding that the world is evolving, and they are not only practising diversity but have met the United Nations SDG of gender equality.

Communication is one of the most fundamental people skills needed for a fashion brand to succeed (Jacquelyn Smith, 2013), brands need to be able to communicate effectively internally and externally within the business for example within a team, communication Is used to put across plans to lead a project to success and to ensure everyone knows what the task is. Fashion brands need to be able to communicate with their customers effectively as customers may have enquiries for example fast fashion brand PLT have a Twitter dedicated to customer service where customers can talk with the customer services teams.

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