
The fourth pillar discussed in the fashion business is the purpose. The purpose is the notion of what a brand intends to provide its customers emotionally; this is what develops a company’s distinct audience through its uniqueness and long-term growth direction. Since the increase of Gen Z customers, companies that exhibit a strong concept and put it into action to create a difference in today’s society are favoured above brands that do not purpose ideas to help make a change.

Figure 1: Aziz. A, (2020). Forbes: The Power Of Purpose

The most crucial aspect is a brand’s philosophy, since if a brand can set its long-term vision from the beginning, the brand will follow through on that aim and make it the only purpose of the firm. This assists a brand in avoiding the trap of focusing just on profit while maintaining the primary aim in mind for the duration of its life. Nudie Jeans is an outstanding example of this because they specialise in high-quality jeans as well as environmentally conscious repair and cleaning services which aim to increase the product life(Gwilt. A, 2020).

It is critical to recognise that Nudie Jeans tries to encourage its customers to be environmentally conscious by giving discounts if they return their jeans after they have worn them out, which are then sold through their pre-loved program.

This links directly to the idea of brands sharing an economy with their consumers, this could lead to many sustainable benefits as they allow consumers to obtain clothes through renting, swapping and different methods of obtaining pre-owned products. Not only does it align with today’s fashion industry narrative of sustainability, but it also keeps more revenue and sales going back because the products will end up back with the same brand from whom they were purchased, allowing them to have more pre-owned items to offer.

Nudie Jeans, (2012) Introduction to reuse program. 

A brand can no longer ignore the fact that Gen Z will have to become the target audience for many due to their increase in influence amongst the general population and the future of spending within various industries. This is in light of a large number of factors, one being the rise in social media usage and the acknowledgement of Gen Z on social and environmental issues present in today’s society (McKinsey, 2018). 

There are numerous ways for a brand to communicate with its target audience but as Meyer. E, a Forbes council member, mentioned, one of them is the art of emotionally connecting with its consumers through storytelling by utilising its brand mission and vision to communicate its social or environmental goals (Meyer. E, 2018). EarthWeb reports that 62% of Generation Z social media users claim to use Instagram every day, it is apparent that brands should embrace the social media strategy when conveying their brand’s mission and vision through storytelling (Wise. J, 2022).

Reference list:

Figure 1: Aziz. A, (2020). Forbes: The Power Of Purpose: The 7 Elements Of A Great Purpose Statement (Part 2)

Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/afdhelaziz/2020/02/18/the-power-of-purpose-the-7-elements-of-a-great-purpose-statement-paet-2/?sh=73447f0641b7 

(Assessed, 30 October 2022)

Gwilt. A (2020) A Practical Guide to Sustainable Fashion, Bloomsbury Publishing 

Available at: http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ual/detail.action?docID=6234061 

(Assessed, 30 October 2022)

Figure 2: Nudie Jeans, (2012) Introduction to reuse program. 

Available at: https://www.nudiejeans.com/we-want-your-jeans-back/ 

(Assessed, 30 October 2022)

McKinsey (2018). ‘True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companies

Available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Industries/Consumer%20Packaged%20Goods/Our%20Insights/True%20Gen%20Generation%20Z%20and%20its%20implications%20for%20companies/Generation-Z-and-its-implication-for-companies.pdf   

(Accessed, 30 October 2022). 

Meyer. E, (2018). Forbes: How To Connect With Your Audience And Authentically Communicate Your Brand.

Available at: 


(Accessed, 30 October 2022). 

Wise. J, (2022). Gen Z Social Media Usage Statistics 2022: The latest trends, Facts & Data, EarthWeb. Jason wise. 

Available at: https://earthweb.com/gen-z-social-media-usage-statistics/   

(Accessed, October 30 2022).

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