Purpose of brands

The principal reason a brand exists and develops in the fashion industry is related to its missions and values, which are communicated not only through its goods and services but also via its value proposition and ethos. 

The business’s purpose gives decision-makers a direction at every phase of the process by delivering shareholders a broad idea of exactly what the business seeks to accomplish in the long term while generating revenues.

Embracing a long-term vision potentially increases everyone’s economic potential. This would strengthen broader social well-being by minimising the mistreatment of consumers by profit-driven businesses.

A brand’s mission, vision, and values form its brand philosophy. 

The organisation’s key reason for operating and the topic that it cares about above and beyond profit is its mission. One example that is totally transparent with their production process is Nudie Jeans. The business is collaborating with its customers to transform the way that apparel is consumed and to maximise the usable life of its products, Nudie Jeans offer services for clients to repair and wash the jeans in environmentally friendly methods as the process of making a pair of jeans impact hugely on the environment, this helps Nudie Jeans to reach their core value of sustainability (Gwilt, A. 2020). 

The philosophy of a brand also applies to how it interacts with its consumers. For businesses that are aiming to communicate with Gen Z, this is exceptionally crucial.  This is observed by a Forbes article indicating that Gen Z is becoming more committed to spending more on sustainable goods due to being so conscious of the company ethos(Forbes, 2020). Drapers indicated that 27.3% of Generation Z think it is ‘very important’ for a brand to be environmentally and ethically sustainable. 

Drapers: how important are sustainability and ethics for consumers 2022

Stella McCartney is a great example of a brand that is totally transparent with their vision of sustainability. The brand didn’t use fur and skin since day one and moved on to organic cotton in 2008 and went PVC free by 2010, all of these actions were completed before the word ‘sustainability’ went viral which reinforces the fact that this brand truly cares about the planet since day one just like how it stated on its website (Stella McCartney).

Brands communicate their purpose to Gen Z by expressing their value proposition on their websites and through multiple social media channels. Instagram is one of the most used media platforms in Gen Z, brands that have high-quality posts and videos will enable consumers to have the chance to learn about the brand’s value and its purposes.

Reference list:

Forbes (2020) Sustainable Retail: How Gen Z Is Leading The Pack.

Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/gregpetro/2020/01/31/sustainable-retail-how-gen-z-is-leading-the-pack/ 

(Accessed: 29 October 2022).

Gwilt, A 2020, A Practical Guide to Sustainable Fashion, Bloomsbury Publishing USA, London. Available from: ProQuest Ebook Central. 

(Accessed: 29 October 2022).

Stella McCartney(unknown) Sustainability.

Available at: https://www.stellamccartney.com/gb/en/sustainability/sustainability.html 

(Accessed: 29 October 2022).

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