
By Sophia Pandeli

The pillar purpose is also one of the four pillars of fashion business school. The pillar purpose has a lot to do with the term well being. To define a problem such as well-being it would be “General health and happiness” relating to “emotional, physical and physiological wellbeing” (Oxford English Dictionary). Adding to this are different types of well-being such as physical, financial, emotional, subjective and social. These factors make up the meaning of the purpose pillar in fashion business school. 

Types of wellbeing 

Brand philosophy is extremely important due to the fact that it’s the values , ethics and principles that define the brand and organisation (Bhasin, H. 2019) . The reason this is important is because if a brand doesn’t have good philosophy behind it it can completely destroy their reputation of the brand and organisation causing it not to develop or grow into a success. Furthermore this will mean not gaining loyal consumers to support the brand because of its lack of brand philosophy behind the brand in order for it to flourish. Brand philosophy is also made up of different factors such as mission which is where the brand is now and why does it exist – an example could be that the brand exists as they want to develop new clothes created from old ones to induce sustainability into the brand (Gwilt, A. 2014). In addition to this vision is also a factor of brand philosophy which is where does the brand want to grow into and be in the future and lastly value proposition which is what is important to the brand and how do they want to operate it. This makes it very important to a brand as it gives it a purpose and a reasoning behind it for it to grow and flourish into a success.

Furthermore brands communicate their purpose to Gen Z by firstly understanding the message that the brand is looking to deliver (Meyer, E.F. 2018) so that the brand can know how to communicate with Gen Z in order to appeal to them and stand out from other brands. Another way brands communicate with Gen Z is by knowing that Gen Z is their target audience and knowing what would get them intrigued Into purchasing from the brand (Brandfolder , no date). For example Gen Z has been brought up in the digital age so by promoting and advertising via social media and the internet brands will be able to communicate better with Gen Z. 


  • Bhasin, H. (2019) What is Brand Philosophy? importance of having a brand philosophy, Marketing91. Available at: https://www.marketing91.com/brand-philosophy/ (Accessed: October 25, 2022) 
  • – Brandfolder (no date) How to build a comprehensive brand communication strategy Brandfolder. Available at: https://brandfolder.com/resources/brand-communications-strategy/ (Accessed: October 25, 2022) 
  • – Gwilt, A. (2014) A Practical Guide to Sustainable Fashion (Accessed: October 25, 2022) 
  • – Meyer, E.F. (2018) Council post: How to connect with your audience and authentically communicate your brand,  Forbes. Forbes Magazine. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2018/08/06/how-to-connect-with-your-audience-and-authentically-communicate-your-brand/ (Accessed: October 25, 2022) 

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