
People are one of the important pillars that cannot be ignored in any industry. Whether designers or consumers, people play an important role in the fashion industry. All transactions are also based on mutual trust between people.

“Members of Gen Z—loosely, people born from 1995 to 2010— are true digital natives: from earliest youth, they have been exposed to the internet, to social networks, and to mobile systems.”(Francis & Hoefel, 2018)  Gen Z in particular differ to the generations of shoppers before them: they are the first to grow up as digital natives – surrounded by technology and the internet for their entire lives.(Graeme Moran,2022)The way Gen Z shoppers compare to previous generations is changing. From the beginning of e-commerce shopping, social media shopping seems to be more appealing to them now. The number of people who buy on social media continues to rise, and a clear majority indicate this is now a normal part of shopping for fashion. The numbers are equal across the age groups: 60% of both Gen Z and millennial groups now buy via social, up from 53% last year. This shows how important social commerce – or the ability to buy via social media platforms – has become to them. (Graeme Moran,2022).

By contrast, Gen Z are more likely than millennials to value brand names, and the ability to resell a fashion item. (Graeme Moran,2022)To appeal to Gen Z consumers, fashion brands need to put a lot of emphasis on how they operate and advertise on social media. Also need to understand their needs. Sustainability and ethics are growing in importance for Gen Z and millennial shoppers. In 2021, 51.3% of respondents said environmental and ethical sustainability was either fairly or very important. This year, that has grown to 57.7%. Gen Z appear slightly more likely than millennials to abandon purchases along ethical lines: 46.8% saying they have abandoned a purchase that did not align with their values. Overall, 40.1% of Gen Z and millennial shoppers say they have done so this year – up from 37.1% last year. (Graeme Moran,2022)

Earlier, the luxury brand LV cooperated with the major IP of the e-sports game “League of Legends”. It not only customized the exclusive suitcase for the championship trophy, the special skin of the game characters, but also sold co-branded cooperative products. (Station B) Cooperate with special effects filter stickers to break the dimensional barriers and implant the brand content into the daily life of the game youth circle. According to the analysis of the “Generation Z Consumption Report”, more than 60% of e-sports enthusiasts are post-95s, and in 2019, the consumption growth rate of female players of Generation Z who purchased e-sports equipment is twice that of male players. These female Gen Z players are characterized by a strong sense of payment and are willing to pay for their favorite games and their derivatives.


Wenhui, 2020, How can fashion brands appeal to the “digital native generation”?, Available at : (Accessed on 09.04.2022)

Graeme Moran, 2022,Gen Z and Millennials 2022,Available at: (Accessed on 9-15.03.2022)

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