The People

The term ‘people’ relates to the four pillars talked about within fashion marketing at LCF. These generations are vastly different, they have different beliefs and different experiences in life, they have also assorted products which were either new or developed to their year.  

Gen Z has been exposed to the internet very easily, social networks and to mobile systems. They are very much into their trends and looking into new strategies to benefit society. They are more likely to buy sustainable, high-quality products 73% of Generation Z consumers are willing to pay 10% more for sustainable products, according to a report from First Insight as 23% of gen z consumers have boycotted brands (Apptus, 2013). This can be for the damage to the planet or the working conditions of employees.  

To attract Gen Z consumers the brand must be sustainable and have a purpose for them which would attract consumers. The brand also must be eye catching and targeting the right demographic (Kim, 2021). To attract gen z consumers, they would have to be innovative and create something which has never been seen before or adapt to the market changing in a sustainable way. Gen Z also likes the idea of small businesses as they will not be helping big fast fashion brands such as PLT, Urban outfitters, and Zara. 

Nike has been a brand which has adapted to diversity as they have released something called “until we all win” which is to highlight the stories of indigenous people and LGBTQ+ athletes. Nike’s goal is to unite and inspire people to act in different communities. The brand Nike has a history of speaking out on causes that can reflect their values such as introducing a hijab full covered swimsuit for Muslim women athletes. In addition to this Nike also uses many diverse models to model their clothing for those who have different ethnicities and backgrounds (pixlee tun to).  

The key people skills for a fashion brand to be successful are to be sure to keep up with all the fashion topics and celebrities and to know which trends are in and out of fashion and to know what consumers want. A good fashion brand would have to keep active on social media to enhance their audience and to make sure they are sustainable and have a brand for the right reasons such as wanting to make a difference in the fashion world. Brands must be able to adapt assorted designs which would satisfy consumers’ wants and needs.  


Hethorn, J., & Ulasewicz, C. (Eds.). (2015). Connecting with people on sustainable practices. Chapter 2 Pages : 27–50 

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