Since the beginning of the 20th century, marketers have divided us into seven groups for research and study purposes, aka generations. Each shared experiences and circumstances, making them unique and Remarkables groups of people.
As a Gen-Z, I have never lived in a world without technology and phones; we are digital natives. Growth with access to social media platforms, we now live in a world of influence; we like to be represented and listened to, “more racially and ethnically diverse than any previous generation “( Parker, K 2020). However, for this reason, we are dependent on technology: for every single act in our daily routine- from the moment we wake up until we go to sleep- we are connected to technological instruments that facilitate our lives. Generation Z is used to google things and having the information in seconds, the easy and fast access way “a hypercognyitive generation very comfortable with collecting and cross-referencing many sources of information and integrating virtual and offline experiences” (McKinsey, 2019).

Brands have to change the way they act and produce for this youth group of people as Gen Z is more aware of global crises, inequalities, and other problems. They like to buy from brands they admire who are creative, respectful, knowledgeable, interested in what is happening, open-minded, and have good communication skills. So to attract the attention of Z consumers, eye-catching short content creations influenced by someone they relate to and admire rather than traditional celebrities is a potent tool for brands. Transparency is vital for creating a trustful environment between the brands and them- which is essential because Z’s “analyze not only what they buy but also the very act of consuming”(McKinsey, 2019). Companies are expected to be inclusive and give their opinions on problems happening in the world. “Gen Z consumers are more likely to buy sustainable, high-quality products. They value personalized products and are often drawn to brands that share their point of view on political issues. (Apttus, 2022) ” An excellent example of a brand that embraces diversity is ThirdLove, “a lingerie company created in response to the frustration the co-founders (and countless other women) felt when trying to find bras that fit real bodies.” (Pixlee Taranto, no date). They created a line of bras with 78 different sizes. Their social side is solid; they participate in many causes, such as saving the turtles and hurricane help. Third Love has made an incredible campaign called “ THE TL EFFECT” to support businesses run by women of color, providing mentoring sessions and other activities.
Apttus (2022) How is Generation Z shopping?
Parker, Kim ( 2020) What We Know About Gen Z So Far
McKinsey (2019) ‘True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companies
Third Love (no date) Our story
Pixx Lee (no date) 4 brands embracing diversity in their content
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