The ‘People’ Pillar

The ‘People’ Pillar refers to the complexity of human values and needs that impact and integrate into the function of fashion businesses. The rise of ‘Gen Z’ voices advocating for diversity, inclusion, and responsibility is calling for brands to understand their impact on societal standards. This pillar introduces the impact of western standards on the global fashion industry and the repercussions for non-eurocentric individuals.

Fig 1 – Who Are Gen Z? (Adapted from The San Diego Union-Tribune, 2020)

Gen Z encompasses “people born from 1995 to 2010” (Francis and Hoefel, 2018) and refers to the young adults and teens who are the first of a hyperconnected digital generation. Consequently, this generation experienced exposure to countless cultures and injustices, leading to a collective respect for diversity and social change. Francis and Hoefel (2018) discuss how these influences have led to several behaviours within Gen Z; a value of individuality, increased mobilisation for social movements, a belief in the “efficacy of dialogue to solve conflicts,” and an analytic approach to brand usage.

With 46.8% of Gen Z consumers “abandoning a purchase that did not align with their values” (Drapers, 2022), there is evidence of how these behaviours are impacting the consumption of fashion by this generation. Drapers 2022 report proposes that for brands to be successful in attracting Gen Z, they need to utilise the correct platforms to communicate efforts towards diversity, sustainability and ethical practice within the company. Instagram would be the most efficient platform as 61% of Gen Z utilise this for fashion inspiration (Drapers, 2022). Therefore transparency here would have the furthest reach and attract Gen Z customers.

Fig 2 – Bar chart presenting social media use by Gen Z. (Adapted from Drapers, 2022).
Fig 3 – Fashion for little people (Auf Augenhoehe, 2022)

In response to diversity and representation, Tommy Hilfiger launched the Fashion Frontier Challenge in 2018. It aims to “accelerate the work of the world’s most innovative and impactful fashion startups” (Tommy Hilfiger, 2022) to produce inclusive fashion solutions. The winner receives €200,000 to enable progression within their business venture. Past winner, Auf Augenhoehe, is a brand creating clothes for those with dwarfism, encouraging inclusivity of disabilities within fashion (Tommy Hilfiger, 2022). Tommy Hilfiger displays how a brand can impact representation within the industry beyond its clothing lines.

Competent interpersonal skills are critical to creating products and campaigns that respect multicultural values whilst enabling brand success. Resilience is a key skill in the fashion business, as it means that a brand can adapt its approach, when criticised, to show progression when poor decisions are made. As a result, younger consumers are more likely to purchase from these companies as “Gen Zers—are tolerant of brands when they make mistakes if the mistakes are corrected” (Francis and Hoefel, 2018). Therefore showing awareness of mistakes and providing solutions for them is important for the success of a fashion brand.


Fig 1 – Adapted from, The San Diego Union-Tribune (2020) ‘What is Generation Z?’. Available at: (Downloaded: 16 October 2022).

Fig 2 – Adapted from, Moran, G. (2022) ‘Gen Z and Millennials 2022’. Drapers. Available at: (Accessed: 14 October 2022).

Fig 3 – Auf Augenhoehe (2022) Tights Sheer 20DEN. Available at: (Accessed: 16 October 2022).

Francis, T. and Hoefel, F. (2018) ‘True Gen: Generation Z and its implications for companies’. McKinsey & Company12. pp. 2-9. Available at: (Accessed: 15 October 2022).

Moran, G. (2022) ‘Gen Z and Millennials 2022’. Drapers. Available at: (Accessed: 14 October 2022).

Tommy Hilfiger (2022) Fashion Frontier Challenge. Available at: (Accessed: 15 October 2022).

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