‘People’ is a central pillar of the fashion business strategy as it impacts economic, societal, and cultural aspects of the planet. Consumers now have the ability to be agents of change and “invest not only in a transformation of the fashion industry but in the welfare of society and the planet” (Hethorn and Ulasewicz, 2015).
Generation Z includes those born between 1995 to 2010. Generation Z are “true digital natives” (Francis and Hoefel, 2018) as they have grown up with rapid technological development and been exposed to technology, including mobiles phones and the internet, since birth. This has allowed them to be exposed from an early age to different cultures, societies, and ways of thinking. This context has shaped Generation Z’s understanding of identity and their individual “search for truth, in both personal and communal form” (Francis and Hoefel, 2018), resulting in freedom of expression and open-mindedness to different cultures.
To attract Generation Z, it is crucial that brands understand what they value, desire, and want to be associated with. Generation Z value transparency, inclusivity, diversity, sense of community and self-expression. Regarding transparency, brands should communicate clearly and evidence that they have implemented their ethos and values through the whole supply chain. Social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram should be utilised to engage with consumers as 50.3% of Generation Z use TikTok (Moran, 2022). It is vital that brands collaborate with opinion leaders such as influencers that represent their values and who Generation Z can resonate with. Moreover, Generation Z looks to these platforms for inspiration, styling advice and guidance, expanding into the metaverse could provide further opportunities to attract Generation Z (fig.1), as they desire a sense of co-creation in which they can explore.

Additionally, Drapers reported that 57.4% of both Millennials and Generation Z consider equality and diversity important (Moran, 2022). It is vital that brands are embedding diversity within their organisational structure and business practices and is not just as a facade for advertising. Good American is a fashion brand founded on the principles of diversity and inclusivity (fig.3). The brand is central to the body positivity movement, championing female empowerment, size inclusivity and embracing the diversity of women in society. They offer an inclusive size range of 00 to 24. Furthermore, they have an annual open casting call to find women of a range of diverse backgrounds to represent real women, reflecting their ethos.

Additionally, the key skills needed for a fashion brand to be successful involves addressing the needs and wants of consumers and using appropriate marketing strategies that communicate and connect with the consumer.
Reference list
Carter, F. (2020) Learn More About Emma Grede, The Co-Founder of Good American. Available at: (accessed: 16.10.2022).
Ettinger, J. (2022) Size Inclusivity and Sustainable Denim: How Good American Jeans Tackle Fashion’s 2 Biggest Problems. Available at (accessed: 16.10.2022).
Francis, T. and Hoefel, F. (2019) ‘True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companies. [online] McKinsey & Company. Available at: (accessed: 10.10.2022).
Hethorn, J. and Ulasewicz, C. (2015) Sustainable Fashion What’s Next?: A Conversation about Issues, Practices and Possibilities. Available at: (accessed: 12.10.2022).
Moran, G. (2022) Gen z and Millennials 2022. [online] Drapers. Available at: (accessed: 13.10.2022).