People is one of the four pillars defining the relationship between society and the fashion industry; in particular Gen Z. With today’s generation having grown up surrounded by advanced technologies, infinite sources of information and social media, selling, branding and marketing within the fashion industry has had to adapt to meet the digital needs of Gen Z.
For the fashion industry, a more authentic and direct way of advertising has become the new favoured and affective way of marketing. According to Francis & Hoefel (2018), consumers are more likely to be drawn to a product if it is an “expression of individual identity”; a personalised or customisable item attracts to the creative individuals that make up Gen Z.
Having grown up surrounded by strategies to beat climate change, the importance of environmental impact is very important to Gen Z. For brands to appeal to this audience, their company ethics need to be the centre of their branding, both online and in store so that customers have a deeper, more personal understanding of where the items came from and how they were made.
Inclusive marketing includes a wide range of races, genders and abilities in their campaigns and content. With Gen Z being one of the most vocal generations to exist, this is extremely important. Unafraid to speak up about the disadvantages towards certain ethnicities and races; many brands have made the shift from the ‘stereotypical model’ to the ‘real model’.
Dove is a global skincare and beauty brand that focus on inclusivity and diversity. Dove’s ‘real beauty’ campaign launched in 2004, featuring women of all different ages, bodies and ethnicities and have since focused on breaking cultural norms and gender stereotypes. These marketing schemes have created a relationship between consumers and dove, proving to them that they are aware of the change needed in todays society. Communication has not only made others feel more included but has also positively affected Dove’s sales, with an increase in sales from $2.5 to $4 billion in the first 10 years.