People are the core of the fashion industry, the driving point for brands to create and promote certain products and services. Everyone should have representation in the fashion industry, this is an aspect which is highly focused on to give light to all body types, ethnicities, sexualities, and genders. It focuses on how brands respond to diversity and is one of the four pillars of fashion business. Generation Z is the latest generation of consumers and appreciate uniqueness and ethical values of a brand, along with sustainability. Gen Z are not the same as the generations before them as they are the first to grow up as digital natives as they have been exposed to technology throughout their lifetime (Drapers 2022). This generation is also accustomed to online shopping as they are mainly e-commerce, leading brands to create an online presence, they tend to spend more money on brands that value authenticity (Leon Curling, 2022). In order to attract Gen Z as customers brands should put extra time and effort into their social media occupancy as this is the main platform used, on social media platforms such as Tik Tok and Instagram to sell products. Brands should also make their ethos clear to customers as this is what attracts gen Z as they are known to shop at retailers which mirror their beliefs.

A brand which has responded to the diversity is Nike, they have a history of speaking out to support causes that match their values, for example, in 2017 (Pixlee 2022) they designed a sports hijab for women Muslim athletes and also launched a swim line dedicated for Muslim women along with using diverse models and throughout social media. 30.3% of their director level and above employees in the US are from racial and ethnic minority groups      (Nike 2021). In order for a fashion brand to be successful key people skills are essential, having attributes such as adaptability can be extremely useful as time is precious within the fashion industry and trends can change within a matter of days. To be able to multitask and be flexible are also important skills as this industry can require a lot of maintenance and attention making being able to communicate and problem-solve with others a skill which would highly benefit both the individual and the brand. Lastly, inclusivity is another skill which helps fashion brands become successful, this is due to them relating with their target audience and creating interest in their products. Overall people are the centre of the fashion industry leading this pillar to be extremely important.


Benjamin Schneider and Diana lee, (11 October 22), Gen Z and age of realism

Drapers bespoke, (2022), gen z and millennials,

Leon curling hope,(June 2022), Gen Z is changing,

Mckinsey and company,(2022),state of fashion,

Nike,(2021), diversity,eequity and inclusion

pixlee,,(2022),brands embracind diversity in their content,

Tracy Francis and Fernanda Hoefel, (2018),True gen,

Forbes, (march 17 2022)
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