Human & Planet, Profit and Purpose make up the four pillars of the Fashion Academy. They are the key components of the fashion industry.
Dress scholars Mary Ellen Roach and Joanne Eicher found that dressing is one of the main ways people identify themselves and send social signals (Edwards, 2022). So people and the fashion industry are inextricably linked.
Gen Z refers to people who were born between 1995 and 2010. Because they were born between 1995 and 2010, they had early access to the internet and they are the consumers who are leading the fashion industry in society today. This is why their consumer philosophy is what is most important to brands today. Studies show that Gen Z as consumers are more concerned with novel technologies, they like simple things, they desire to escape from reality, and they crave security, have extremely high expectations and care more about experiences (Wood, 2013; Priporas et al., 2017).
Gen Z as a primary consumer differs from previous ones in that Gen Z is more innovative, likes to communicate with visual images, focuses on futuristic technology, etc. If wanting to attract Gen Z brands can drastically use social media, and virtual networks as new marketing, and promotional tools. Brands can place a lot of advertisements on the internet and social media. The content of the advertisements should be new and visually striking to attract Gen Z. To appeal to the emerging consumers who are targeting this group, more channels need to be used. Make use of more intuitive, interactive and shareable campaigns. This is because Gen Z’s main form of social purchase is online shopping.
Generation Z | Millennial (Generation Y) | |
5 screens | 2 screens | |
communicate with images | communicate with text | |
create things | share things | |
future-focused | focused on the present | |
realists | optimists | |
want to work for success | want to be discovered |
Figure 1: Differences to be considered in the generations approach (Sparks&Honey, 2021)
Source: adapted after Sparks & Honey, Meet Generation Z
The diversity of brands is important to Gen Z. ThirdLove is a lingerie company that has created a range of bras in 78 different sizes, including half-cup sizes, using millions of real women’s measurements rather than industry size templates. ThirdLove also uses real women of all backgrounds, sizes and ages as models for the brand (Pixlee TurnTo, 2022). ThirdLove is a diverse lingerie brand that offers a full range of ethnicity, colour, size and age.

For a brand to be successful, it needs to be responsible and have a greater emphasis on social inclusion in its marketing and advertising campaigns. Following a vertical brand extension strategy, the brand’s marketing manager needs to consider the specific context of the brand’s development and the brand’s target consumer group in order to develop a strategic and appropriate market positioning and overall brand management concept (Nadine Hennigs et al., 2013).
Edwards, V( 2022). Fashion Psychology: What Your Choice in Clothes Say About You. [online] Science of People. Available at: [Accessed 15 October 2022].
Hennigs, N., Wiedmann, K., Behrens, S., Klarmann, C. and Carduck, J(2013). Brand extensions: A successful strategy in luxury fashion branding? Assessing consumers’ implicit associations | Emerald Insight. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 October 2022].
Kratofil, C(2018). ThirdLove Attacks Victoria’s Secret in New York Times Ad. [online] Peoplemag. Available at: [Accessed 15 October 2022].
Priporas, C., Stylos, N., & Fotiadis, A(2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 October 2022]. 2022). 4 Brands Embracing Diversity in Their Content | Pixlee TurnTo Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 October 2022].
Tunsakul, K(2018). Generation Z’s perception of servicescape, their satisfaction and their retail shopping behavioral outcomes. Human Behavior, Development and Society, 19(1), 123–133. [Accessed 15 October 2022].
Wood, S(2013). GenZConsumers.pdf – Generation Z as Consumers: Trends and Innovation Stacy Wood Langdon Distinguished Professor of Marketing, College of Management, | Course Hero. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 October 2022].