
The pillar of fashion that will be covered in this blog post is people. Focusing on the new generation and their views on diversity and sustainable within the fashion industry. 

(Gen Z, 2020)

Generation Z is they most well-educated generation when it comes to sustainability and diversity and never fail to call out a brand who are not focused on this. When shopping gen Z have become inclined to shop second hand from online apps such as depop and vinted. As well as the rise of the micro designers due to their ability to be more sustainable, however there is the precaution gen z are shopping at these places due to the price rather than the sustainability aspect of the brand. It is said that “46.8% of Gen Z have abandoned a purchase that did not align with their values.” (Francis and Hoefel, 2018)

“There are many small businesses in the United States, with more than 543,000 or more started every month.” (Dillon, 2018)

Gen Z are they most important consumers for fashion world to target their brand too as they are the people the need to be most in touch with. The community of gen Z value when a brand is completely transparent with the production process and ensure that the brand is diverse and includes everyone. Brands could start introducing a send back scheme for consumers where they can send back faulty items or unwanted items for the brand to use on other designs. For a Gen Z consumer to continue to shop at a brand they look for one that give back such as when a percentage of the profit from a product is being given to a charity. (Hethorn and Ulasewicz, 2015) 

(good American, 2022)

A brand which has focused very heavily on diversity is GOOD AMERICAN a denim brand set up in 2016 which “works to innovate, find solutions and redefine fashion for the modern women” (Flexible – About, 2022). The clothing is displayed on the website on 3 different size ranges of model which allows they shoppers of any size to be able to see the fit of clothing as well as having sizing which ranges from 00 to 24. 

A major component for any brand to be successful today is community. Gen z love feeling included with they brand and makes them more likely to continue to shop their as they either get rewards or value to mission of the brand. 


Francis, T. and Hoefel, F., 2018. ‘True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companies. [online] Mckinsey. Available at: <> [Accessed 13 October 2022].

Dillon, S., 2018. The fundamentals of fashion management. 1st ed. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, p.166.

Hethorn, J. and Ulasewicz, C., 2015. Sustainable fashion. London, p.29.

GOOD AMERICAN. 2022. Flexible – About. [online] Available at: 

<> [Accessed 13 October 2022].

2020. Gen Z. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 October 2022].

2022. good American. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 October 2022].

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