
The four pillars of the fashion business industry are people, planet, profit, and purpose, planet is incorporated into the four pillars by environmental sustainability. Both the ecological and atmospherical environment have been affected by the pillar of Planet the influence it has for sustainability.

The circular economy is an economic business model which organizes by resource-saving and recycling in accordance with the environment. “Resource – product – renewable resource”, is the feedback process in which the circular economy, organizes economic activities. it is categorized by high utilization, low emissions, and low exploitation. The purpose of building a circular economy is to ensure that actions taken are not having a negative effect on the economy, this is done by recycling and refurbishing, for example, in the fashion industry, a circular economy could be executed by recycling materials from existing garments rather than throwing them away and incinerating the material. Fashion magazines such as Vogue and Glossy Magazine are changing their magazine focus to educate readers on how to live a more sustainable life when it comes to fashion by recycling, getting creative with old clothing, and shopping vintage. Vogue has also reported on issues such as climate change. As magazines have a lot of influential power in the fashion industry, I think that reporting on such issues is a great move towards a more sustainable fashion industry as it can influence readers of the magazines to start living more sustainably.

Sustainability in relation to fashion is the concept of sustainable fashion, this refers to garments that are resourced, designed and manufactured, distributed, and in the garments, afterlife recycled/reused in an environmentally friendly manner. However, the fashion industry is one of the largest contributors to climate change and pollution. Due to it being ‘the most wasteful industry on the planet, much of this is down to overproduction. Clothing production doubled between 2000 and 2014, McKinsey & Company reported, and numbers have risen further since. The consultancy also estimates that 40% of all items produced by the sector are sold at a markdown and tackling overproduction could reduce carbon emissions by 158 million tonnes a year.’ (Drapers, 2022). The waste products produced by the fashion industry pollute rivers and oceans, and most garments and footwear end up being incinerated or placed in landfill when consumers are getting rid of them. Businesses within the fashion industry need to work towards being more sustainable and this can be done by setting sustainable development goals.

Sustainable development goal(SDG) 12, is responsible consumption and production, this means ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns. This goal is to move focus onto creating less waste and using fewer unnecessary resources to therefore create a positive impact on the environment. SDG 12 is a goal for businesses to reduce chemical and material waste, use sustainable consumption and production by 2030, and ensure that institutions globally are educated with relevant information to create awareness for sustainable lifestyles and development. Teaching sustainability educationally will help raise awareness among younger generations and help to move towards people making more environmentally friendly choices when disposing of their old garments and not purchasing from fast fashion businesses.

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