Burberry is an iconic clothing brand created by Thomas Burberry in 1835. He created timeless pieces that have been showcased on celebrities from Audrey Hepburn in 1961 classic ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ to Kate Moss’ Met Gala 2022 look. Throughout the years Burberry has released many variations of it’s classic 1914 nude trench coat that was originally designed for soldiers in World War 1 to make it appeal to consumers. It’s success has allowed the brand to change with time yet remain true to it’s British roots. Burberry has remained my favourite brand ever since i was a child; walking around the cold streets of London, seeing classy women wrapped up in their nude trench coats to the huge flagship store dominating Regent’s Street. Growing up in Britain, Burberry was a huge part of our culture; the classic ‘Haymarket check’ scarf reminds us of the frosty winter mornings and grey skies. Growing up and having a clearer, more educated view on the relationship between fashion and the environment, Burberry has remained my favourite brand by aligning with my values on sustainability. They have proven to have rapidly reduced their emissions and waste over the past 5 years and aim to be 100% climate positive by 2040. With the combination of iconic 90’s supermodels and todays most influential fashion figures such as Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner still styling Burberry’s pieces, Burberry has kept it’s name as one of the most iconic and timeless designer brands in history.

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