
1. In the context of global economic integration, economic development has always been the premise of the development of social science and technology and industrial in the whole society. However, the rapid development has caused a series of potential problems. In order to avoid these potential problems affecting the economic development, people must take corresponding economic measures to promote the development of society. Therefore, the emergence of circular economy can be said to ensure the overall trend of economic development to a certain extent. Circularity transforms our throw-away economy into one that eliminates waste, circulate resources, and adopt nature-positive, low carbon, resource-efficient systems and actions (Wrap, no date). This allows us to use resources over the long term and reduce damage to the environment.

2. People, profit, and planet are all interlocked in this pursuit for sustainability, especially in fashion.   Sustainable fashion is important to creating a better future and a better fashion industry. A sustainable fashion brand will pay and treat workers fairly, it will offer transparency about their practices and supply chains (Immago, 2020). It won’t produce in excess or push overconsumption to drive sales. Sustainable fashion designers will be designing with circularity and regeneration in mind.

3. Gender equality in the fashion industry is not yet as it should be. On the consumer side, the fashion industry targets women more than it does men, but when you get to the top levels — think creative directors and C-suite executives — men far outnumber women (fashionista, 2018). Gender inequalities impact all aspects of the fashion industry; from violations in garment workers’ rights, to the lack of career progression opportunities in the industry, to the shockingly low percentage of women in leadership positions (currently 25% of leadership roles in top fashion companies are held by women, while they make up 70% of the total workforce). It is estimated that the garment industry employs more than 60 million workers worldwide. Most of them are women, who are often scrutinized for labor exploitation and sexual harassment (trtworld, 2021).


Wrap. (no date). WRAP and the circular economy. Wrap. Available from [Accessed 8th October 8, 2022].

Marshall. (2020). What is sustainable fashion and why should we care. Immago. Available from[Accessed 8th October 8, 2022].

Bauck. (2018). WANT TO SEE MORE GENDER EQUALITY IN FASHION? HERE’S WHAT YOU CAN DO. Fashionista. Available from [Accessed 8th October 8, 2022].

Trtworld. (2021). Top fashion brands still lagging on gender equality. TRTWORLD. Available from [Accessed 8th October 8, 2022].

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