
One of the four important pillars, part of studying the fashion business, is planet. This pillar focuses on prioritising the health and future of the earth, identifying the importance of sustainability in the fashion industry and the responsibility of not only businesses but consumers to nurture the planet.

Sustainability is about making the world a better place for the next generations to come. The definition of sustainability was established in 1987 in the Brundtland Report describing it as ‘meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs’, the report was revolutionary in identifying globally the shared concern for the future of the planet, acknowledging action needed to be taken to ensure a better future for next generations. Among the four pillars, the planet pillar reflects the environmental responsibility we possess to take care of the planet and its ecosystems. 

In response to ensuring sustainable development, the United Nations published its 2030 agenda, which was first launched in 2015 to ensure a healthy and prosperous planet. Consequently came the 17 Sustainable Development Goals also referred to as SDGs, a set of goals set up in collaboration with 200 experts using data to deal with issues such as climate change and poverty. The goals are universal, being that they apply to all nations. An important SDG is goal 12, which aims for responsible consumption and production, meaning its goal is to ensure that sustainable and ethical practices are adopted in a company’s supply chain. In context with the fashion industry, goal 12 aims to contribute to sustainable development by ensuring efficient resources are used in industries and that the manufacturing process consists of less harmful practices, all the while promoting the idea of reducing, reusing, recycling and preventing. One brand which embodies the practice of goal 12 is the London-based streetwear brand Named Collective, the brand takes great pride in its ethical manufacturing process, ‘All Named Collective orders are packaged in eco-friendly 100% compostable and biodegradable packaging’. Named Collective is supporting the UN’s figure identifying that 93% of companies are reporting on sustainability, demonstrating that even as a smaller independent brand, ethical and sustainable practices can be adopted.

One practice in the Fashion Business that is actively promoting goal 12 (responsible consumption) is circularity which encourages not only companies but consumers to ensure they get the most out of resources. This practice is vital due to the high levels of waste created in the fashion industry with less than 1% of used material being recycled at the end of its lifespan. The fashion industry contributes to around 8-10% of greenhouse emissions. Therefore, the process of fashion circularity is an important practice, encouraging consumers to buy responsibly and be mindful of what they’re buying and recycle their clothing pieces at the end of their lifespan. Vogue business identifies the cruciality of circularity in the fashion business for the future of the planet acknowledging how the movement is ‘fast growing’ and making businesses rethink how they operate. Luxury brands like Balenciaga are actively partaking in circular fashion, allowing customers to re-sell their old luxury goods for store credit, listing the pre-owned goods on luxury second-hand websites. Therefore demonstrating, that businesses are slowly starting to partake in sustainable investment for the future of the planet. naturally

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