
  1. Pillar about 17 reasons for sustainability. And they are divided into three parts, economic, environmental and social. And if they develop together, it will make sustainability become true. Only by solving the problems related to them can the social environment continue to develop. We use the pillar to find the balance of society.  These points are actually proposed solutions to difficult problems, such as poverty and discrimination. And they are also closely related to the fashion circle, interlocking. like bondage to women’s clothes, it is about gender equality, about the dilemma of women and girls in society.
  1. Circular economy put forward the concept of continuously recycling resources and minimizing the waste of resources. Many fashion brands use these ideas to cycle their clothes. For example Zara, customers can bring their old clothes to Zara, and they will use that material to make new clothes for customers. This approach could also generate huge revenue for the country.“Plus, the staggering 350,000 tonnes of clothing that go to landfill each year could generate a massive £140 million if they were reused or recycled.”(Blddiecombe, 2020). It can be seen that this is also a method of sustainable development.
  2. In my opinion, Responsible consumption and production can tell us about how to cycle the materials. Designers also design synthetic fibre, the lightest fabric in fashion. Gender Equality can tell us how to do our best to eliminate inequality in Fashion. More pockets, more female designers coming out and designing clothes, not just giving up comfort at all costs for some curvaceous beauty. Need more girls and women to design the clothes that girls need. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure can tell us about the economy of fashion, and the trend of fashion, helping us to make a plan for fashion.

Gender Equality With Fashion

Women and girls are always in an unequal environment. Not only in society but also discrimination exists everywhere. Inequality is implemented everywhere as if it was born.

Like the pocket of men, they can hold a lot of stuff, but women’s pockets often don’t fit into their hands. This gap is not only in jeans, even general pants will have this gap. Women’s pockets, not just decoration. “While the sheer inconvenience of not being able to keep your belongings in your pocket may seem like a small issue, it is one that women have faced for centuries.”(Diehm&Thomas, August 2018)


Biddlecombe. S.(2020). Exclusive: How to recycle your clothes: the guide to sustainable de-cluttering. [online]. (Last updated 2020). Available at: [Accessed 8 October 2022]

Diehm. J. Thomas. A. (2018). Exclusive: Someone clever once said Women were not allowed Pockets. [online]. (Last updated August 2018). Available at: [Accessed 8 October 2022]

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