
The planet is one of the four parts of the Fashion Business School’s study, Planet, People, Profit and Purpose.
The planet is an integral part of our humanity and one that is most influenced by the fashion industry. While the fashion industry is booming, there is growing concern about the industry’s impressive array of negative impacts on the environment (Baidu, 2020). Fashion production accounts for 10% of human carbon emissions, depleting water sources and polluting rivers and streams. About 2.4 billion items of clothing fall on shelves in the UK every year, with the average household putting in the wardrobe more than 20 items of clothing that are never worn (Baidu, 2020). The water, energy and labour required to produce these discarded old clothes, as well as the industrial pollution behind it, the exhaust gas from transportation tools, the plunder of the land by raw materials such as cotton and linen, etc., will all be counted at the head of fashion. superior.

Under such a harsh environment that the fashion industry affects the planet in modern society, people have begun to advocate a new economic model called the circular economy. Circular economy, the complete expression is resource recycling economy. An economic development model that is characterized by resource conservation and recycling and is in harmony with the environment. Emphasizes the organization of economic activities into a feedback process of “resources-products_renewable resources” (Wikipedia, 2022). It is characterized by low exploitation, high utilization and low emission. All materials and energy can be used reasonably and lastingly in this continuous economic cycle, so as to reduce the impact of economic activities on the natural environment to the smallest extent possible (Lu Xiongwen, 2013).

Figure 1.managementors(2020)

Sustainability for the fashion industry means considering fashion from many stakeholders, such as users and producers, all living things, and future inhabitants of the planet. The SDGs aim to completely solve the development problems of three dimensions, namely environmental sustainability, social sustainability and economic sustainability and turn to the path of sustainable development (Xinhuanet, 2015). Take, for example, Adidas’ performance running shoes that are fully recyclable. The running shoe is called Futurecraft. Loop and all components are made of 100% reusable thermoplastic polyurethane. Adidas can spin this material into yarn, weave it into shape, and melt it clean without the use of glue. When the shoes reach the end of their useful life, they are sent back to Adidas to be sterilized, ground into pellets, and melted back into raw materials to create a new pair of shoes (Zhihu, 2020). Such material recycling reduces material costs, greatly reduces environmental pollution and damage, and drives economic development. This involves environmental and economic sustainability.

Maher Nasser, Director of the Outreach Division of the United Nations Department of Public Information, said in his speech that the fashion industry is more and more closely related to sustainable development, and the United Nations is paying more and more attention to the commitment and action of the fashion industry in this regard, and the creative industry is becoming more and more visible. Willingness to cooperate with the United Nations. More and more fashion brands are focusing more on sustainability. For example, Gabriela Hearst is an Uruguayan female designer. She is the current creative director of CHLOE. In 2015, she founded her own brand of the same name, Gabriela Hearst. Her goal is to not use any new fabrics until 2022. In production, he used an Uruguayan women’s non-profit organization to make clothes. The workers are women living in the countryside, creating jobs for people who would otherwise be unemployed (Li Yanxi, 2021). At this point, he achieved the sustainable development goals of decent work and economic growth.

Figure 2.United Nations(2015)


Baidu (2020).


Xiongwen, L(2013).Dictionary of Management. Shanghai Dictionary Publishing House.

Tianya Blog (2011). Theory of Consumption Capitalization and the Construction of Green Consumption Model [Translation].

Keqiang, W  Kai, Z  Hongmei, L  editors; Hongli, W   Yirui,Y  Xibin,F  Zhenying,S  deputy editors (2015). Resource and Environmental Economics = RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS, Fudan University Press.

Xinhuanet (2015). United Nations Report: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals, Strengthening Global Partnership is the Key.


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