
The planet is one of the four pillars in the search for fashion sustainability, and sustainability means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. According to the American Chemical Society, fashion production has doubled since the 2000s and could triple by 2050. In the past 50 years, polyester production for cheap fast fashion and athleisure clothing has grown ninefold. Because clothes have become so cheap, they can easily be thrown away after a few wears. A survey found that 20% of clothes in the US are never worn; in the UK, the figure is 50%. Online shopping is available day and night, making impulse purchases and returns easier. Products are designed by manufacturers to be reusable. A circular economy is important in the fight to save the planet and its natural resources. This is especially important in the fashion industry, which is known to be the second most polluting industry in the world. The fashion industry is responsible for approximately 10% of global carbon dioxide emissions. For example, many fast fashion brands now rely on copying the version of some excellent fashion brands to produce and make clothing in large quantities, causing a lot of waste and loss of the earth’s natural resources. Many fast fashion companies and manufacturers produce clothing because of these methods. The cost of clothing is low, so it is a waste of natural resources to mass-produce clothing.
Sustainable brands are the way forward for the clothing industry, some clothes can now be made from recycled plastic, and there are also many high street brands using their platforms to sell quality sustainable clothing. In most cases, sustainable clothing lasts longer, eco-friendly fabrics are softer and stronger, and sustainable clothing keeps people from having to keep buying new clothes. Buying better quality clothes can also help protect the environment by increasing their lifespan. Cheap clothes tend to wear out and get worn out more easily than good quality clothes, which are more durable which means they don’t need to be changed as often. In most cases, high-quality durable clothing will be significantly more expensive than cheaper clothing, so long-term benefits need to be considered when purchasing.
With the continuous advancement of technology, second-hand shopping has become more popular now, and many people are willing to trade their second-hand clothes on some second-hand shopping platforms, such as eBay and Depop and other applications and websites can be very good for the world. People everywhere trade second-hand clothing, so they can better deal with and resist fast fashion brands. There are also many clothes in life that can only be worn for a period of time, and such clothes are best reflected on the second-hand trading platform. Of course, there are plenty of charity shops and vintage shops all over the city where people can go to buy clothes that aren’t particularly expensive, but the secondhand world is more of a standout in terms of convenience and efficiency.

Cho, R., 2022. Why Fashion Needs to Be More Sustainable. [online] State of the Planet. Available at: [Accessed 8 October 2022].
TheGreenAge. 2022. How to Save the Planet with the Clothes You Wear – TheGreenAge. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 October 2022].

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