“If I Cannot Express Myself, I’ll Die.”

Found in 1961, Yves Saint Laurent, also known as YSL, was one of the most notable fashion houses of the 20th century. A house of haute couture, it revolutionised the way fashion and society came together. Since, Saint Laurent has been an influence on the both inside and the outside of the fashion industry.
This fully established fashion house has a very distinctive personality which is globally recognised. Worldwide, it competes with the most-high-end luxury brands and holds a leading position. Powerful strategies have helped YSL grow and claim itself, in the 21st century, as a brand with a strong and clear DNA. (kering.com)

As a part of Kering, YSL employs a refined, modern approach to execute a more sustainable and responsible definition of luxury. Within Kering’s commitment, sustainability principles require its suppliers to cohere to a strict code of conduct aiming to take the luxury industry to achieve a higher environmental, ethical and social standard. (ysl.com)
Under Kering’s supplier charter, YSL is required to comply directly with environmental legislation, adhering to the principles of Global Compact relating to environmental protection.
Reporting: Primarily, in order to understand the environmental impacts, brand should measure its environmental influence such as emissions, energy and water use etc. Therefore, on a voluntary basis, brands are invited to share their information with Kering as part of the group’s Environmental Profit & Loss analysis
Hazardous chemicals: Kering has forbidden its brands from releasing hazardous chemicals into the environment. In case of any such activity, brand is strictly investigated and tested into removing any of these substances. In addition, they should disclose detailed information about the incident along with the preventive measures and provide regular update reports till the situation is solved. (kering.com)
Kering aims to double YSL’s profit and take it to 5 billion euros in revenue by 2026 (fashionunited.uk). To achieve this, they would increase their geographical footprint by increasing the number of stores worldwide. (reuters.com)
“Providing preeminent products and services, improving the quality of life and contributing to the economic exchanges between Vietnam and Korea.” (mission statement, yslgroup.vn)
In general, the target audience for YSL has always been bold public consisting of millennials and upper-class fashion enthusiasts. All in all, they divide their customer base into men and women from the age group of 20 to 40 years old with an elegant style. (bluecactus.com)

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