ESSENTIEL Antwerp is a Belgian fashion brand, founded by Esfan Eghtessadi and Inge Onsea, creating the brand with the goal that the brand would be filled with love, fun and colourful surprises. Translating their brand with rich fabrics, graphic prints, bright colours, glitter and sequins. 

This became a great success, being famously iconic for their vibrant colours, bold patterns and contrasting styles all over the world, mainly in Europe. The brand stands out in every one of their stores, illuminating the streets with colour. There is no other brand like it. The brand allows people to get out of their comfort zone, to stand out and to never be afraid to mix and match. Bringing confidence, beauty and uniqueness with a luxurious touch.

From basics to sportswear to fancy dress. You can wear it anytime, anywhere. To the beach, to the gym, to the red carpet or to work.

“Towards a more sustainable Essentiel Antwerp” – The founders of the company have acknowledged and both published a personal statement on their views of the fashion world and sustainability, and what they are working on as a founder as well as a company together.

“Since 2019, we have been listening to experts and examining our own sustainable entrepreneurship process. As an international player with a sense of social responsibility, we have been guided in particular by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs.” Which helped them determine their strategic priorities, which are: To aim to contribute to a more responsible supply chain, to use products with less impact, and to reduce their ecological footprint. They have since introduced significant sustainable concepts such as, ‘The rental revolution’ and ‘Re-ssentiel’, which gives you the chance to rent their pieces or buy/sell their pieces second hand directly on their site. 

The brand is very up to date, making sure they are constantly adapting to the modern environment and the fast paced changing media. The CEO makes sure she surrounds herself with the younger generation, working closely with them in her office and constantly learning new things from them. Her character and personality reflecting through each piece and throughout the whole brand, and the balance of luxury, cool and casual is like no other with Essentiel Antwerp.

ESSENTIEL ANTWERP (2020)  About us. Available at:

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