A favourite Fashion Brand

A favourite fashion brand of mine is Chanel. A lover of the arts, the founder Gabrielle Chanel was ahead of her time and is often seen as one of the most successful and influential fashion designers of the 20th century. She built her reputation from a hat boutique under the name “Chanel Modes” where the hats were worn by well-known actresses from that time. From then on, she has had a powerful impact on women’s clothing from the opening of her first Chanel boutique in 1912. She started a sportwear line made of jersey, which was a material typically used to make men’s underwear, and this changed women’s relationships with their bodies and it revolutionised fashion. She is an inspiration for all women and has had an influential impact on woman’s fashion today as she believed that menswear was more comfortable than women’s fashion at the time and as a result, she drove women’s fashion away from the big dresses and corsets and incorporated masculine fashion features to her garments.

My favourite design from the brand is the iconic two-piece suit. Introduced in 1925 by Chanel at a small show in her salon, the suit became known for the mixing of traditional ideas of masculinity and femininity. The reason why I love the two-piece suit is because it makes me as a woman more comfortable with wearing more masculine pieces of clothing such as blazers. Often, women may feel that blazers look too boxy or don’t fit right on them due to the shape. However, by giving them a more feminine look, I find that the Chanel suits suit different women of all sizes. Another reason why it is one of my all-time favourite garments is because of how sophisticated and coordinated the set looks when worn. The way that the colours match and the overall silhouette cannot be easily replicated and I think that this is one of the reasons to why it is so popular.




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