Stella McCartney

My interest in Stella McCartney first derived from listening to her feature on the Business of Fashion podcast. Though, knowing of her brand yet very little of it’s values, the episode highlighted her sustainable vision and the many strains she faces through being an ethically minded business. However, not only is the brand’s focus on product and planet, social responsibility is also heavily considered as they take into account all people involved in the process including the customers, employees and even the farmers who grow the resources needed to make the materials.

Stella McCartney follows the UN’s guiding principles on Business and Human rights and responsibly play their part in achieving the sustainable development goals which is of great importance to me, as a member of the UN’s National Allliance of Women’s Organisation. Not only this but Stella McCartney is a great feminist who incorporates her values into her brand as she displays “catwalk feminism” and though mistaken in her spring/summer 2015 collection at Paris fashion week to suggest that “aggression is unattractive”, she made clear in her own words that “The collection was very much about movement, welcoming the fragility of the woman in summer and allowing her to have more softness, more warmth, in a way complimenting the opening pieces that have that sort of natural confidence in them and strength, but allowing it to be softer.”

Being a zero fur and leather brand from the beginning, was a challenge in itself, with many doubts raised against McCartney’s decision to do so, yet her belief’s remained strong. Though she agrees she has “lost money” due to it, money has never been a thing which drives her and despite this bold decision McCartney has created iconic pieces and proven that sincere beliefs and passion and sticking to such morals does result in success. However, McCartney though greatly successful and independent, has had a more fortunate background than some and therefore was able to not pay heed to the financial side. Criticised as a weakness by many, I feel this can be potrayed as more of a strength as having the financial stability allowed McCartney to become a greater risk taker and resulting in a sustainable brand.

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