A Favourite Fashion Brand: ASOS
Finding its origins in 1999, ASOS has grown to be one of the largest E-commerce/M-commerce brands on an international scale.
‘We exist to give you the confidence to be whoever you want to be’.

ASOS is my favourite brand as their values align with my own, with an emphasis on individuality and freedom of expression. The brand demonstrates these values with their expansive variety of brands and products, ensuring there is always something for every consumer. Having such a substantial choice of product creates an enjoyable and exciting experience for browsing customers. The brand's values are further communicated with it's diverse range of models. Consumers are highly likely to feel represented by the brand, with hired models being of all body types and ethnicities. This inclusion is what really makes ASOS appeal to me, as I feel it is important for every individual to feel they re being represented, not excluded. They makes a conscious effort to fulfil their social responsibilities including those concerning ethics and environment. They have ASOS Marketplace, which allows for vintage items to be resold and provides small upcoming businesses with a platform to sell. Their outlet section provides extremely affordable prices, with some items going straight into the outlet rather than an initial full price ticket. This outlet tab allows for price slashes and discounting to not dilute the experience of the normal shopper and allows for discounting on the main pages to be utilised as a promotional tool. There is always a student discount, demonstrating their target demographic and the care they hold for them and their priorities. ASOS have been leaders in the M-Commerce market and continue to be successful by catering towards their target audience, ensuring their views and values are prioritised and approached in the correct way (through social media, promotional deals etc). I am an avid user of ASOS, drawn in by their ability to cater for all wants and needs as well as their warm and inclusive attitude.