A favourite fashion brand : Vivienne Westwood

Vivienne Westwood is one of the representatives of luxury fashion with a hint of punk. Quite ironically, the British designer Vivienne Westwood had no intention of becoming a world-famous fashion icon. She was inspired by history books, modernising the designs to fit her own personal taste, later becoming one of the key figures in influencing the 90’s fashion. Westwood had a reputation of having a “rebellious heart”, rebelling against the rules that fit society in the 90’s, and is still inspiring the fashion industry presently.

Vivienne Westwood managed to rise significantly after Sex Pistols’, the band, released “God save the Queen” which became a worldwide success. Vivienne designed her famous T-shirt with the face of the English Queen and this later enabled Westwood to organise her first fashion show in London, which she named “Pirates”.

Since the 2000s, Vivienne Westwood has strongly supported environmental protection. For instance, she worked with the non-governmental organisation Greenpeace on the “Save the Arctic” campaign. A way in which she advocated her care for the environment is her design of a graphic T-shirt which depicted the Earth in the shape of a heart, of which all the revenue was donated to Greenpeace.

“Climate change is my priority, not fashion” – Vivienne Westwood in The Guardian magazine (2014).

Westwood gets inspired by historical eras and uses heavy materials such as wool fabrics, tweed and tartan. Her dresses are often recognised by their lavish use of fabric. Westwood’s designs are distinctive through lush draping, wild mixes of patterns and colours and unusual adaptations of style. The Vivienne Westwood orb, created in the late 1980s, is a blend of the orb and the rings of Saturn and it represents the importance of the past, while being a nod to the future.

Vivienne Westwood certainly managed to impose her vision of fashion regardless of time and trends. She had stuck through with her own personal political beliefs and particular style, earning her the title of British Designer of the Year for three consecutive years! 

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