My Favourite fashion brand
Coco Chanel
Chanel is a French luxury fashion brand founded in 1910 by Coco Chanel in Paris. Chanel specializes in women’s luxury goods, and accessories. Chanel is credited for establishing the idea of haute couture, which is creating custom fitted one-of-a-kind clothing for high end consumers. The items, and specifically the bags, are typically seen as collectable pieces rather than garments to fit a current trend. Chanel holds this name of unconceivable luxury that is out of reach for most of the population and therefore creates a mysterious fascination around the brand keeping them relevant. Chanel has a classic vintage look that centres around the use tweed material creating that vintage feel from the 50s to make female suits allowing the gender wardrobes to collide completely and utterly creating a sense of diversity and power in the fashion industry alongside of maintaining its high-end name.